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Buddhist Sutra
Touring the Third Tribunal-(1)
Touring the Third Tribunal-Paying Respects to Song Di Wang
1Oth Moon 9th Day(29th November 1976)

Ji-Gong:We are now going to tour the Third Tribunal.Inside
each Tribunal there are various prisons for sinners,but
although we have to visit all the Tribunals we will only tour
or pay greater attention to the more important prisons of
each Tribunal because we do not have enough time to tour all
the prisons of all the ten Tribunals in the Under-World.
We have to rush to publish this Book so that human beings on
Earth can quickly gain maximum benefit from the teachings
therein.Yang Sheng,quickly step on the lotus flower platform.

Mr.Yang:Yes,I am properly seated and so we can now start...

Ji-Gong:We have arrived and so please get down.

Mr.Yang:In front there is an archway and a notice board like
the ones we have on Earth;on the notice board is pasted a
piece of red paper and many Officers and soldiers of Hades
and also souls of human beings since dead,are reading the
notice.Let us also go and read what it has to say.

Ji-Gong:I already know its contents but as for you,who are
in the dark,you can go and read it for yourself.

Mr.Yang:Why is it that the Officers of Hades on seeing us
approaching.look as if they are afraid of us?

Ji-Gong:These Officers of Hades know who you are and above
all.they also know that in your body you carry a permit from
Yu Huang[] and so they make way for us,not daring to offend

Mr.Yang:Oh,I see;this is a Notice issued by the
Chief of Hades which says that He has received an edict from
Yu Huang De Tian Zun saying that--

*At the beginning of time,human beings were very righteous,
pure and honest and when these people passed away,their souls
went to Paradise-there were no Hades.

*Later on,when it came to the Middle Ages,human beings became
evil,sinful and did wrong deeds;Heaven then established Hades
to punish the souls of sinful and evil doers;but the souls of
those who were loyal,faithful,and those who practised filial
piety,fidelity,benevolence,righteousness,ascetic pursuits
were not sent to Hades to undergo punishment,instead they
were sent to Paradise.

*Nowadays,things have changed for the worse because everyday
there are robberies,wan,fighting,arson.treacherousness,drug
addicts-everyday the newspapers have reports of such evil

*Yu Huang has great pity on human beings and does not want
them to fall more deeply into committing more evil acts;
therefore,Sheng Xian Tang in Taiwan has been ordered to
propagate further the teachings of Confucius Mancius and
Buddha to human beings so that through the righteousness of
these teachings,human beings can be saved from further sins.

*In addition,Sheng Xian Tang has been ordered to write a Book
named "Diyu Youji"(Journeys to the Under-World) with the help
of Ji-Gong and Sheng Xian Tang's medium named Yang Sheng.
They have been ordered to tour the Ten Tribunals here and to
relate what they see for the purpose of writing this Book for
human beings to read and thereby do good deeds.

*When Ji-Gong and Yang Sheng visit any of your Tribunals,you
officen must give them every assistance so that their purpose
of writing this Book can meet with every success.

*Should any Officer disobey My Order,I shall have no
hesitaion to punish the offender.

*This Order is dated 8th Moon 15th Day,Bing Chen Nian
(8th September 1976)

*Oh,I see;this is Yu Huang's Edict.

Ji-Gong:To write this Book,it is not just sufficient to let
human beings know about it but it is also necessary to let
those in Hades know our purpose.Ouickly proceed;we will have
to pay our respects to Song Di Wang of the Third Tribunal.

Mr.Yang:How far off is this Third Tribunal? I see so many
souls and soldiers of Hades moving about on the road but I
cannot see any Tribunal building.

Ji-Gong:Not very far away;quickly step on the lotus flower
platform;this is a quicker way of reaching the Third Tribunal.

Mr.Yang:Verywell,we can start...

Ji-Gong:We have arrived;quickly get down.The Third Tribunal
is just in front of us.Quickly go and pay respects to
Song Di Wang and the Civil and Military Officers.Look,they
are coming to welcome us.

Mr.Yang:Our profound respects to Song Di Wang and all
Officers.We are here to tour the Third Tribunal in order
that we can write the Book we have been commanded to write;
so therefore.I beg you to give us every possible assistance.

S.D.W. :Yang Sheng,arise;no need to stand on ceremony.I am
already aware that Sheng Xian Tang has been most active in
propagating the teachings of Sages exhorting human beings to
avoid evil and follow further ascetic practices etc.
I am very pleased that you are here;please do come in and
then we will discuss.

Mr.Yang:I thank you very much for praising me,which praise
I am ashamed to accept.The President of Sheng Xian Tang,Mr
Oiu has very ably led and guided all our members in righteous
practices and as this is our duty,we cannot accept any

Ji-Gong:Don't be too modest;let's go inside.

S.D.W. :Please be seated.I apologise for the simplicity of
the wooden chairs and tables here,not like the comfortable
ones you have on Earth.General,please serve tea.

General:Yes.Sir,Please drink tea.

Mr.Yang:Thank you very much.This reception room contains
evidence of antiquity;the place is clean and well kept.the
walls covered with ancient paintings and writings,like the
houses of literary families.

S.D.W. :You are right.This is the meeting place of the souls
of dead righteous human beings who,when living,had done good
deeds and ascetic practices and therefore when they died,
their souls come here to drink tea,discusi general matters
etc,not like the souls of sinners who have to undergo
sufferings in the various prisons of Hades.Look,my Officers
here are very free to move about as they like,no restrictions
or hinderances whatsoever.

*Therefore human beings must understand that if they do not
do good deeds and carry out ascetic practices they will not
be accepted here and will hot be allowed freedom of movement
but will be sent to the various prisons of Hades to undergo
punishment for their past misdeeds and sins.Further,the souls
of sinners will have to undergo punishment in the prisons of
Hades,their hands and legs being bound by iron chains.necks
being locked by stocks and pillories and bodies being whipped
and poked by forks.

Ji-Gong:Time's up.We must prepare to return to
Sheng Xian Tang.Thank Song Di Wang for teaching us.If there
is any chance we will come here for further instructions.

Mr.Yang:Thank you very much.Song Di Wang and Officers for
entertaining us so well.We have to return now.Thank you

S.D.W. :Don't mention.We expect to see you again.

Ji-Gong:Let us return quickly.

Mr.Yang:We have to hurry;time is running out.

Ji-Gong:No need to talk so much.Let us start...We have
arrived at Sheng Xian Tang.Yang Sheng,get down.Soul,return to
your body.
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