The financial crisis recently struck the global economies and its effects continue to be felt. Our conference last year, in Geneva in 2009, showed how changes have been occurring quickly in the language industries and the training of trainers.
Along these lines, we invite you to continue this essential reflection and to join us for the conference entitled “Languages and Business Today and Solutions for Tomorrow” organised by the International Association Language and Business (IALB) and the international network Tradulex, in Lisbon, Portugal, on 1 and 2 October 2010.
Founded in the early 1970s, the International Association Language and Business seeks to unite practice and theory and consists of professionals from three principal areas: applied languages (in business, industry and research), translation, as well as language training for professionals.
Tradulex, an international network, was founded in 2000 to bring together specialized professional translators to share their experience, develop targeted training activities and to further hone their skills. Tradulex also helped to create the International Association for Quality Translation.
