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Buddhist Sutra
Touring the Office of Four Types of Reincarnation
12th Moon 9th Day(27th January 1977)

Ji-Gong:When human beings die,there is much crying and
wailing.But when any of the four types of creatures
(animals,fowls,fishes and worms) die,their death is mainly
due to slaughter rather than by sickness.This slaughtering
is generally done by human beings and because these creatures
seem to know that they have no way of escape,they feel very
frightened and cry and scream in their own way.

*When these creatures die,their souls are sucked by the
energies of Hades into the Third Tribunal.They cannot be
returned to human form until and unless they have repaid for
their previous sins.Human beings must understand that if they
live a very sinful life and maintain an evil mind,when they
die.their souls will be reborn as one of the four types of
creatures,according to the seriousness of their past sins.
Yang Sheng,get ready to go on tour again.

Mr.Yang:Master,at the present moment,the father of one of our
members of  Sheng Xian Tang has died and the member is very
sad because his father was a good and devout man.Why is it
that even good people must die so soon?

Ji-Gong:Every human being must undergo the four stages of
existence.i.e;birth,old age,sickness and death.Even a king
must die one day;why not an ordinary member of the public?
The most important thing when one is still alive is to
understand and do good deeds and be God-fearing so that when
he dies,although the body will decay,the spirit still lives.
In fact wise men are never dead;their spirits still live.
Therefore,please explain to your member not to worry too much
over the death of his father.

Mr.Yang:It is my intention to visit Hades and to see for
myself how my friend's father is getting on there.I
understand from friends that the old man had a premonition,
two days before his death.I would like to know how is it that
this person could know ahead of his coming death-up to what
level of ascetic practice did he reach to be able to acquire
this foresight?

Ji-Gong:The time is not yet ripe for you to see this old man:
Speaking of the old man's ability to foretell his own death,
it is mainly due to the fact that because of his ascetic
practices,his sincerity had reached such a peak that he could
communicate with Heaven and Earth to know his own death.
I must explain that the existence of saints and ghosts is
real and it is possible for one who has reached a high level
of ascetic practice to know what is happening to him and to
foretell his own death.Don't waste anymore time,let us now
proceed with our tour.

Mr.Yang:Dear Master,I am securely seated;we can now start...

Ji-Gong:We have arrived;get down.

Mr.Yang:Before us are His Highness and Officers coming to
receive us.

Ji-Gong:Go and pay your respects quickly.

Mr.Yang:I now pay my respects to Your Highness and Officers
for receiving us.

Highnes:Don't stand on ceremony.If you do not object to be
among so many creatures,you are always welcome here.Let us
go inside.

Ji-Gong:Thank you very much.As we do not have much time,could
Your Highness please arrange for Yang Sheng to have a look
inside so that he can understand better how the four types
of creatures are revived.

Highnes:If that is so.please follow me around...

Mr.Yang:The equipment here is more or less like those we have
on Earth.Some are like suction machines;mosquitoes are sucked
into them at the entrance and very soon at the exit of the
machines,movable soft balls like cotton wool balls appear.

Highnes:When mosquitoes are killed by human beings or are
sprayed to death by mosquito sprays,their souls are sucked by
the energies of Hades and are brought here.They are again
sucked by the sucking machines;inside the machines hundreds
of souls are collected into soft movable balls
(hundred to a ball).It should be mentioned that the souls of
the mosquitoes are dispersed souls-these dispersed souls are
gathered by the hundreds into a ball and the ball is ejected
out of the sucking machine.When the soft movable ball comes
out,at first it will float but very soon it will drop.When
the revival soup is sprinkled on the ball.the dispersed souls
in it will transform into one human soul.

Mr.Yang:There is a very vast collection of these sucking
machines here.How did you manage to arrange them so well?
(No reply)

Highnes:The souls of the mosquitoes which are sucked up by
the energies of Hades are of very poor quality and standard.
Let us go to another part of the Prison...

Mr.Yang:This field contains so many kinds of animals.I have
never seen such a varied collection of animals on Earth.This
is like a big zoo having tigers.lions,practically every kind
of animals,fowls,etc very hard to count...We have now
returned to the pavilion but I don't know what His Highness
has in his mind to instruct me.

Highnes:Here I now have a case to tackle.In front of us is a
Cock who has come to plead before me.I will let you see his
personal file.Before he was reborn a Cock.this fellow was a
rich man's son and he lived in the north of Taiwan.Very often,
because of his wealth.he used to rape young girls and also
used his money to buy teenage girls so that he could sleep
with them in order to retain his vigour and vitality and be
happy.He had therefore committed a series of sins.After death,
as punishment,he was sentenced to be reborn a Cock for five
generations.His sentence is about to come to an end.He is now
pleading to be reincarnated.

Mr.Yang:This is very frightening.This Cock was formerly a
human being.So if one eats the flesh of a fowl is it a sin?

Highnes:Every creature has a living soul but of different
types and shapes.Their spirituality is exactly like a human
being's spirituality.Human beings like to eat meat because
meat contains proteins and fats which help to build up the
body;but they do not stop to think that all the four types
of creatures are originated from human beings.Inside the
bodies of these creatures one type of poisonous impurity is

*When an animal,fowl or fish(when still alive) is about to be
slaughtered,this creature gets frightened and struggles thus
making the blood circulate faster and become abnormal thus
causing the release of this poisonous impurity into the blood
streams and to stick to the flesh.When the flesh is cooked
and eaten.human beings also absorb this poisonous impurity.
Let us take the case of human beings.When a person gets
worried or frightened,the blood in his heart changes in
quality,the accumulation of these many worries and fears will
usually lead to sickness.Now,to return to the subject of meat

*As mentioned earlier,meat contains proteins and fats which
are good for body building;it also contains the poisonous
impurities,therefore there are good points as well as bad
points.However,present day scientists advocate the eating
of more vegetables and less meat.To those who follow ascetic
practices it is advisable to also eat less meat and more
vegetables to reduce the poisonous impurities in the body.
Otherwise it will be rather difficult to succeed in their
attempt.You asked earlier if it is a sin to eat fowl flesh,
after what I have just said,it is therefore up to you to

Mr.Yang:Your Highness,what you have said fits in very well
with the original principles of science.May I ask your
Highness.before us come an ape and a parrot-the ape walks and
behaves like a human being while the parrot imitates human
being's speaking-do they belong to a higher stratum of

Highnes:The ape moves like a human being and his brain is
smart.In a previous life he was a human being but was too
smart,in the negative sense.resulting in damaging himself and
committing sins.So,on rebirth,he becomes an animal whilst
retaining his human qualities.Regarding the parrot,he now
imitates human beings speaking.When he was a human being he
was very talkative and talked too much and boastfully,often
speaking to cause families to quarrel and breakup.

*Now.being reborn a parrot he is imprisoned in a cage and has
to listen to people speaking and on his part trying to imitate
what is spoken and what he hears.Therefore.human beings who
are in the habit of making trouble.breaking up families,
talking too much,going against the laws of society.etc,when
they die,they will be reborn as one of the four types of

Ji-Gong:As our time is limited.and as we have seen the
Office of Four Stages of Reincarnation we now know that this
Office only handles all aspects of reincarnation after which
the souls are sent to the Tenth Tribunal.if necessary;and if
all souls have been duly punished,they are returned here to
be reincarnated.Yang Sheng,get ready to return.

Mr.Yang:Thank you,Your Highness and Officers for giving me
the instructions.As time is running out we have to return.
I now say goodbye.

Higtnes:Please pardon us in case we have failed in any way
to entertain you properly.General.please escort Ji-Gong and
Yang Sheng out.

Ji-Gong:We are now outside the pavilion;quickly step on the
lotus flower platform.

Mr.Yang:I am securely seated;we can now start...

Ji-Gong:We have reached Sheng Xian Tang.Yang Sheng,get down.
Soul,return to your body.

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