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Project Name: Google SketchUp En to SC/TC
Language Pair: EN to SC/TC
Size: 148K words
Duration: 3 weeks

Project Name: IBM ORC MS Consumer
Language Pair: SC/JP to EN
Size: 38K words
Duration: 1.5 weeks

Project Name: Apple iPod Models With Display
Language Pair: EN to JP
Size: 28K words
Duration: 3 weeks

Project Name: Kingston MobileLite Installation, U3 Quick Start
Guide etc.
Language Pair: EN to JP/SC/KO/TC/Thai
Size: 20K words per language
Duration: 10 days

Project Name: Faro Laser Tracker series of manuals
Language Pair: EN to SC
Size: 100K+ words
Duration: long term

Other major multilingual computer related projects we have
finished recently:
1. 3Com GUI 2nd Round, EN to SC/KO, 10K words.
2. Raytheon AC Delco text, EN to SC/TC/KO/JP/Indo, 17K words.
3. Strohl Systems, EN to JP, 193K words.
4. Localize Vidyo system, EN to SC/JP,147K words.  
5. Sharpie,  EN to JP, 23K words.
6. Symantec, JP to EN, 30K words.
7. Strohl_export, En to SC/JP, 28K words.
8. Fujifilm 3.2.1 User Manual update, EN to SC, 16K words.
9. Convergys, EN to TC/Malay, 44K words.
10. TM1 documentation, EN to SC, 32K words.
11. Crazy Crepes Complay, EN to JP, 18K words.
12. LifeSize, En to TC, 25K words.
13. Citi project, EN to SC, 41K words.
14. Strohl UI strings, EN to JP, 16K words.
15. Macrovision web site, EN to KR, 90K words.
16. Sandisk FAQs, EN to SC/TC/KR/JP, 56K words.
17. Altec Lansing PT7031 Surround Sound System, marketing
material, 6K words,
EN to TC/JP/KOR/Indo.
18. Jabra Earset manuals, 30K words, EN to HKTC.
19. MacBuddy, 10K words per language, EN to SC/TC/KO.
20. AppleCare iMac, 20K words per language, EN to SC/TC/KO.
21. AppleCare, 100K words, EN to JP
22. GSX manual, 30K words, EN to SC/TC/KO.
23. Sandisk music and video products, 20K words, EN to SC/TC/JP/KO/TH.
24. PLUS Copyboard manual, 30K words per language, EN to SC/
25. Intel Server Motherboard manuals, 50K words, EN into SC.
26. IBM localization projects; EN into SC; millions of words.
27. GMU Global Account Reconciliation, EN to Thai, 13K words.


Client Speak
"I have worked with Golden View for approximately 10 years now, and the experience has always been a positive one. Fisher demonstrates utter reliability; I can send him new work at the end of Europe’s day, with complete confidence that he will deal with it the following morning at his end, with prompt responses and delivery like clockwork to follow. If he has queries, he seeks clarification, but his understanding of my projects and processes is so good that he will at times anticipate a requirement that I had not even expressed.

Not only for the more regular requests, but also for more urgent or large-scale work, Fisher and his colleagues are flexible and dedicated in their service, and willing to pull out all the stops if necessary. This kind of contribution is a great reassurance and very much appreciated. Thanks also to the end linguists, who over the years have provided my clients with a wide variety of competently translated and proofread material.

To sum up, Golden View’s performance and customer focus is excellent, and I look forward to collaborating with Fisher on my projects for a long time to come."
Jenny C.
Senior Project Director

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